Programs for Enrichment and Specialization
The following programs may be taken in conjunction with a degree program. An exception is the Secondary Education Program available to persons holding a bachelor's degree from an accredited university.
Certificate Programs - Enhance a student's major program of study by allowing specialization in a certain field or evolving industry. Florida Atlantic University offers numerous certificate programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Certificate program information may be found in the Degree Programs section and in the College sections within this catalog.
Education Abroad - Provides activities, advising and programming for students interested in traveling abroad for credit as part of their academic studies.
Intensive English Studies Programs - Provide instruction in all areas of the English language. Available to international students, scholars and professionals.
Lifelong Learning Programs - Assist non-traditional students in expanding their knowledge. Programs include Continuing Education, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and 60-Plus Audit.
Military Programs - Offer students opportunities to receive Air Force and Army ROTC experience while pursuing their bachelor's degrees. A Military Science minor is also available.
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Consortium
- Provides a consortium of 91 colleges and universities that works with its member institutions to help their students and faculty gain access to federal research facilities throughout the country.
Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Professions Program - Provides a preparatory program for students planning to continue their education beyond FAU in the medical, dental or veterinary fields.
Pre-Law Preparation - Provides guidance for undergraduates interested in attending law school.
Secondary Education Programs - Offers degree and certification programs in various subjects for individuals interested in teaching and meeting Florida certification requirements.
Education Abroad
Florida Atlantic University Education Abroad, part of the Center for Global Engagement, offers both undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to travel abroad for academic purposes. Students enhance their personal, professional and academic résumé—demonstrating they have the intercultural competence and versatility needed to compete in today’s global workforce. Programs may include study, internships, service learning and research opportunities abroad.
Students of all majors and from all colleges at undergraduate and graduate levels are invited to participate, as most programs have coursework taught in English (though some do require proficiency or knowledge of a foreign language). Undergraduate students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and graduate students a 3.0 GPA in order to participate; some programs may have additional GPA or admissions requirements.
Types of Programs
Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs
Education Abroad works with faculty and administrators across the colleges to offer short-term study abroad programs, ranging from 1-6 weeks, throughout the year. These programs are a great option for first-time travelers and students whose personal, professional or academic situation does not allow them to be out of the country for an extended period of time. Recent short-term program destinations have included Belgium, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru and Spain. Though some programs are repeated annually, Education Abroad supports faculty in developing new and exciting programs in traditional and non-traditional disciplines and destinations. This allows students to explore the world while taking FAU courses and traveling with professors.
Student Exchange Programs
FAU has reciprocal student exchange agreements with educational institutions around the world, offering
semester, academic year, and in some cases, summer study abroad opportunities. Students participating in an exchange program are registered through FAU and pay FAU tuition while studying at the institution abroad and earning credits toward their degree. Coursework is available in a wide range of subjects, including business, engineering, science, architecture, humanities, social sciences and more. Some programs offer courses in the local language, while others offer coursework conducted all in English. Leading partner institutions are located in Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Portugal, South Korea and Sweden.
Direct Enroll
Students have the option to directly enroll in a program with a study abroad partner institution or organization. Education Abroad provides support and advising throughout this process, and students receive transfer credit for the successful completion of coursework abroad.
Students who are interested in participating in a study abroad experience have various funding opportunities available. Certain types of institutional, state and federal financial aid may be applied to FAU-sponsored study abroad programs, including Pell Grants, Bright Futures Scholarships, Florida Prepaid and the FAU Presidential Scholarship. Education Abroad offers its own study abroad scholarship and advises students on external scholarships, such as the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, the Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship, the Boren Scholarship.
Getting Started with Study Abroad
Students who are considering adding an experience abroad to their academic studies should contact Education Abroad as soon as possible. Advanced planning allows adequate time to meet with the Education Abroad staff, have coursework reviewed, apply for scholarships and complete the application and acceptance materials on time.
More information on programs and funding can be found on the Education Abroad website, by visiting the Education Abroad office located on the Boca Raton campus in General Classroom South (GS) 212Q or by sending an email.
Intensive English Studies Programs
International students, scholars and professionals may receive instruction in all areas of the English language at FAU through the Intensive English Institute (IEI).
The Intensive English Institute offers English for business or a career or to prepare for study at an American university. Instruction is given in listening and comprehension, grammar, reading, writing, composition, vocabulary development, conversation and multicultural understanding. For more information, visit the Intensive English Institute's website or call 561-297-0179.
In addition, the Intensive English Institute offers a prestigious Bridge Program, which provides conditional admission to FAU degree programs (undergraduate and graduate). For details, visit the Bridge Program's website or contact
Lifelong Learning Programs
Florida Atlantic University recognizes that learning is a lifetime process and sponsors several programs specifically to facilitate lifelong learning.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is one of the largest and most successful lifelong learning programs in the nation. With more than 20,000 patrons enrolled on the Boca Raton and Jupiter campuses, members choose from a schedule of non-credit courses and lectures given by Eminent Scholars and national and international figures in a wide variety of fields, including foreign policy, music, art, history, science, literature, philosophy, current events and film. For information and a schedule of courses, visit its website or call 561-297-3171. For the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU Jupiter, click here or call 561-799-8547.
Continuing Education
As part of the academic mission of FAU, Continuing Education provides both credit and non-credit opportunities to individuals who seek to expand their educational horizons. Through Continuing Education, in excess of 24,000 students take classes, seminars and workshops in professional training, test preparation, personal growth, languages, investment management and many other pursuits.
Credit courses within Continuing Education are provided by accredited faculty members in a variety of non-traditional settings: weekend; distance education, including telecourses, Internet and video; corporate courses both sponsored and paid for by employees for reimbursement; extension and international.
Non-credit courses, education and training for government employees and nonprofit organizations, certifications and individual career needs are also within this division's mission. For more information, visit the Center for Online and Continuing Education website or call 800-228-5845 or 561-297-0178.
The 60-Plus Audit Program
Permanent residents of Florida who are at least 60 years of age may audit credit courses for free. Registration is on a space-available basis after degree-seeking students have registered. For registration dates, instructions and a list of courses, visit the Registrar's Office website.
Military Programs
Link to Army ROTC Program/ Link to Military Science Minor
Aerospace Studies - Air Force (AFROTC)
Florida Atlantic University, in cooperation with the Department of Aerospace Studies, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) at the University of Miami, provides academic instruction and training leading to active duty commissioned service in the United States Air Force.
AFROTC is an educational program designed to provide college students the opportunity to become Air Force officers while completing a bachelor’s degree. The AFROTC program provides superior hands-on leadership training and is designed to prepare cadets to assume positions of increasing responsibility as officers in service to their country.
Normally, the program is four years, but in some instances students can complete requirements in three years. The first two years of the program, the General Military Course (GMC), consist of a one-hour class, three hours of leadership laboratory/practical military training and two hours of organized physical conditioning each week. AFROTC cadets compete for entry into the last two years of the program, the Professional Officer Course (POC). Competition includes both quantitative and qualitative factors, such as grade point average, unit commander’s evaluation, aptitude test scores and physical fitness test scores. If selected, cadets must complete a
14-day summer program referred to as Field Training
at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL before entering the POC.
After earning a degree and successfully completing all Air Force ROTC requirements, cadets are commissioned as Air Force officers with a four-year active duty service commitment. Pilots, Combat Systems Officers and Air Battle Managers have longer service commitments upon completion of specialized training.
For more information, contact Detachment 155 Cadre at 305-284-2870 or browse its website.
There is no military obligation to enroll in AFROTC. To enroll students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen or resident alien, or be able to become a U.S. citizen prior to attending Field Training the summer following sophomore year;
- Be a full-time college student enrolled in 12 credits per semester;
- Be able to participate in a demanding physical fitness program;
- Be able to pass a Department of Defense Medial Examination;
- Have solid moral character;
- Maintain AFROTC minimum required grade point average.
More than 70 percent of Air Force ROTC scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students in engineering or other scientific and technical disciplines. However, students in every degree program enjoy scholarship opportunities, as the Air Force seeks to engage students who excel both academically and militarily. Scholarships are awarded in increments of two, three and four years. Air Force ROTC offers several types of scholarships. Type 1 covers full tuition and most required fees. Type 2 covers tuition and fees but is capped at $18,000 annually. Type 3 pays up to $9,000 annually and can be used at any university that offers Air Force ROTC. Type 7 scholarships are normally designated for in-state-tuition-level institutions. All types of awards provide an allowance for books, most required fees and a monthly non-taxable stipend. All scholarship cadets are required to meet certain academic, military and physical fitness standards to earn and maintain scholarship benefits.
All AFROTC cadets receive uniforms, books and equipment for ROTC classes at no cost. Upon commissioning as Second Lieutenant, the starting salary and allowances are worth more than $68,000 annually*. Free medical and dental care, 30 days paid annual vacation and added educational benefits are also part of the compensation package.
* Based on 2021 Pay Chart and Miami, FL Housing Allowance for a Second Lieutenant (2d Lt O-1).
Aerospace Studies Course Descriptions
Classes and labs are held at the University of Miami in Coral Gables.
Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force 1 (AFR 1101) 1 credit
Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force 2 (AFR 1121) 1 credit
Survey courses designed to provide an introduction to the Air and Space Forces to encourage students to pursue a U.S. Air Force career or at least seek additional information to be better informed about the role of the USAF. The courses allow students to examine general aspects of the Department of the Air Force, leadership fundamentals, service benefits and opportunities for officers. The courses also lay a foundation for becoming an Air or Space professional by outlining USAF heritage and values. As foundational courses, these courses also provide a historical perspective such as lessons on war and the U.S. military, AF operations, principles of war and airpower. Additionally, these courses provide students with a knowledge-level understanding for the employment of air and space power from an institutional, doctrinal and historical perspective. Students are introduced to the military way of life and gain knowledge of what it means to be an Air or Space professional.
Team and Leadership Fundamentals 1 (AFR 2130) 1 credit
Team and Leadership Fundamentals 2 (AFR 2131) 1 credit
Survey courses designed to provide a fundamental understanding of both leadership and team building. It is imperative that students are taught from the beginning that there are many layers to leadership, including aspects that do not always jump to mind. Such aspects include listening, understanding themselves, being a good follower and problem solving efficiently. Students apply these leadership perspectives when completing team building activities and discussing conflict management. Students should demonstrate basic verbal and written communication skills.
Leading People and Effective Communication 1 (AFR) 3220) 3 credits
Leading People and Effective Communication 2 (AFR 3230) 3 credits
This course is designed to build on the leadership fundamentals taught in lower-level AFR courses. Students have the opportunity to utilize their skills as they assume more of a leadership role. The goal of this course is for students to develop a more in-depth understanding of how to lead people effectively and provide them with the tools to use throughout their various leadership roles. Students hone their writing and briefing skills. Many students may lack public speaking skills; this course is designed to assist in building the confidence needed for briefing sessions in front of an audience. Additionally, this course includes guided discussion centered on leadership and ethics. Students begin thinking about leadership through their own lens furthering the development of their leadership skills.
National Security, Leadership Responsibilities and Commissioning Preparation 1 (AFR 4201) 3 credits
National Security, Leadership Responsibilities and Commissioning Preparation 2 (AFR 4211) 3 credits
This course is designed to increase comprehension of the basic elements of national security policy and process. Students should know basic Department of the Air Force operations as well as understand selected roles of the military in society and current domestic and international issues affecting the military profession. Students should understand the responsibility, authority and functions of a Department of the Air Force commander and selected provisions of the military justice system. The final portion of the course is designed to prepare students for a career as a second lieutenant as they transition from civilian life to military life.
Military Science
The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is a program (normally college electives) that incorporates extensive leadership, management, problem solving, fitness and level 1 military skills into any college student's curriculum regardless of the student's selected major. This program has proven its unparalleled value to students long after graduation and well into their desired career, whether civilian or military. ROTC is an elective course that is taken each semester of college, and upon completion of the program requirements and awarding of a bachelor's degree (or graduate degree), the student is commissioned as an Officer in the active Army, Reserves or National Guard.
Students interested in ROTC, but not ready to make a commitment, may take classes as freshmen and/or sophomores and incur no military obligation. Students entering their junior year or about to begin a two-year graduate program in the fall of an academic year may spend five weeks in summer training at the Leaders Training Course in Fort Knox, Kentucky. In that program, students learn skills normally taught in the first two years of ROTC, earn pay, and then without obligation, make a decision about ROTC and the Army. Contact the Military Science program at 561-297-6484 or Mr. John Mccammon at for additional information.
The program is open to all full-time students attending Florida Atlantic University (or other cross-enrolled universities). Courses are taught at FAU's Boca Raton campus. A list of available courses appears after this Military Science description.
Instruction and Training
There is no military service obligation associated with the first two years of the program unless a student is an ROTC scholarship recipient. These courses introduce students to skills taught at U.S. Army Basic Training. They include military customs and courtesies, organization and rank structure leadership assessment, patrolling, map reading, first aid and many others. Courses consist of outdoor/indoor instruction and are, by design, 80 percent practical "hands-on" training conducted both on campus and throughout South Florida. Juniors and seniors continue to use these hands-on techniques while the emphasis is on developing and refining leadership skills. As juniors and seniors and advanced course Cadets, they are also charged with teaching and mentoring basic course students. Closely monitored and supervised by experienced Military Officers and senior enlisted soldiers, these juniors and seniors plan and organize events and other training far beyond their personal expectations.
Army ROTC has national and campus-based scholarships. These scholarships pay full tuition or up to $12,000 per school year for room and board. The scholarship also pays $1,200 annually for books and up to $500 per month for spending money. Applications for scholarships are accepted during the academic year with priority given to enrolled ROTC students. Scholarship winners are usually committed to four years of active duty, earning salaries comparable to civilian sector incomes, but with the experience that few civilian careers can offer. Non-scholarship and selected scholarship Cadets can request either full-time active service or part-time service in the Reserves or National Guard.
All ROTC Army Cadets receive uniforms, books and equipment for ROTC classes at no cost. Upon being commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, a student will receive a starting salary and allowances worth more than $56,000 per year. Free medical and dental care, 30 days paid annual vacation with added educational benefits are also included in the compensation package.
Ranger Challenge - A physically demanding course designed to prepare Cadets for area and regional competition against other ROTC units. Cadets train weekly to perfect skills in weapons handling and assembly, marksmanship, orienteering, hand grenade throwing, physical fitness, combat patrolling and combat load road-marching.
Color Guard - An elite organization of Cadets skilled in marching, drill and ceremony. Members post the colors at FAU sporting events, civic/veteran events and campus/community functions.
Special Programs
Students unable to participate in ROTC during the freshman and sophomore years may qualify for admission to advanced ROTC (junior and senior years) by attending a 30-day course (basic camp) at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the summer between their sophomore and junior year. Attendees incur no military obligation.
An alternative entry program is also available for students who meet certain criteria and are unable to attend basic camp.
Special Training
Outstanding Cadets may be qualified to attend special Army schools such as Mountain Warfare Training, Northern Warfare School, Air Assault School or Airborne School. Selection is competitive and based on the student's academic and physical performance record. Cadets receive uniforms, boots and other equipment necessary for all ROTC classes and training. Outstanding Cadets are honored at frequent award ceremonies.
Military Science Course Descriptions
Classes and labs are held at Florida Atlantic University's Boca Raton campus.
Foundations of Officership (MSL 1001) 1 credit
Corequisite: MSL 1001L
Students examine the unique duties and responsibilities of Officers, discuss the organization and role of the Army, review basic life skills pertaining to fitness and communication and analyze Army values and expected ethical behavior.
Foundations of Officership Lab (MSL 1001L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 1001
Laboratory component for MSL 1001.
Basic Leadership (MSL 1002) 1 credit
Corequisite: MSL 1002L
Course presents fundamental leadership concepts and doctrine. Students practice basic skills that underlie effective problem solving, apply active listening and feedback skills, examine factors that influence leader and group effectiveness and examine the Officer experience.
Basic Leadership Lab (MSL 1002L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 1002
Laboratory component for MSL 1002.
Individual Leadership Studies (MSL 2101) 2 credits
Corequisite: MSL 2101L
Course develops problem solving and critical thinking skills and helps students apply communication, feedback and conflict resolution skills.
Individual Leadership Studies Lab (MSL 2101L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 2101
Laboratory component for MSL 2101.
Leadership and Teamwork (MSL 2102) 2 credits
Corequisite: MSL 2102L
Focuses on self development guided by knowledge of self and group processes; challenges current beliefs, knowledge and skills; and provides equivalent preparation for the ROTC Advanced Course as the Leader's Training Course.
Leadership and Teamwork Lab (MSL 2102L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 2102
Laboratory component for MSL 2102.
Leadership and Problem Solving (MSL 3201) 3 credits
Corequisite: MSL 3201L
Concentrates on preparing students to become officers in the United States Army and, more immediately, for attendance at the Leadership Development Assessment Course (LDAC) in Fort Lewis, Washington. Special emphasis is placed on physical fitness, land navigation, troop leading procedures, preparing operations orders and leader execution. Examines the basic skills that underlie effective problem solving in the execution of leadership by analyzing military missions and planning military operations.
Leadership and Problem Solving Lab (MSL 3201L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 3201
Laboratory component for MSL 3201.
Leadership and Ethics (MSL 3202) 3 credits
Corequisite: MSL 3202L
Concentrates on preparing students to become officers in the United States Army and, more immediately, for attendance at the Leadership Development Assessment Course (LDAC) in Fort Lewis, Washington. Special emphasis is placed on physical fitness, land navigation, troop leading procedures, preparing operations orders and leader execution. Develops Cadet leadership competencies and ethical leader responsibilities. At the conclusion of the course, Cadets will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating and leading a team or squad in the execution of a small unit tactical mission or battle drill during a classroom PE, a Leadership Lab or during a Situational Training Exercise (STX) in a field environment.
Leadership and Ethics Lab (MSL 3202L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 3202
Laboratory component for MSL 3202.
Leadership and Management (MSL 4301) 3 credits
Corequisite: MSL 4301L
Builds on Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) experience to solve organizational and staff problems, including discussing staff organization, functions and processes; analyzing counseling responsibilities and methods; examining principles of subordinate motivation and organizational change and applying leadership and problem solving principles to a complex case study/simulation.
Leadership and Management Lab (MSL 4301L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 4301
Laboratory component for MSL 4301.
Officership (MSL 4302) 3 credits
Corequisite: MSL 4302L
This is a capstone course designed to explore topics relevant to 2nd Lieutenants entering the Army. It describes the legal aspects of decision making and leadership, analyzes Army organization for operations from the tactical to strategic level, assesses administrative and logistics management functions, discusses reporting and permanent change of station (PCS) process, teaches students how to perform platoon leader actions and examines leader responsibilities that foster an ethical command climate.
Officership Lab (MSL 4302L) 0 credit
Corequisite: MSL 4302
Laboratory component for MSL 4302.
U.S. Military History (MSL 4400) 3 credits
This course covers American military history from the Colonial Period (1600s) through present-day wars. The focus is on the evolution of the United States Army’s structure, strategy, tactics and weaponry with an emphasis on the interrelationship of the military establishment with American society. The presentation of material is divided between lectures, video presentations and independent research.
Directed Independent Study (MSL 4900) 1-3 credits
Prerequisite: Permission of department
Course includes supervised reading and writing assignments of independent study in United States military history.
Military Science
Undergraduate Minor
(Minimum of 15 credits required)
The Military Science minor, offered by FAU’s Army ROTC program, is available to all FAU degree-seeking students on the condition that they meet requirements for commissioning into the United States Army following completion of their undergraduate studies. The minor requires a minimum of 15 credits taken from the courses below. All courses taken for the minor must be completed with a grade of “C” or better and at least 75 percent of the courses for the minor must be completed at FAU. The Military Science minor will be awarded upon completion of the bachelor’s degree. For additional information, please contact 561-297-6484 .
Required Courses (15 credits from courses below) | ||
Leadership and Problem Solving | MSL 3201 |
Leadership and Ethics | MSL 3202 |
Leadership and Management | MSL 4301 |
Officership | MSL 4302 |
U.S Military History | MSL 4400 |
Military Science Electives (not required for this minor but recommended) | ||
Foundations of Officership | MSL 1001 |
Basic Leadership | MSL 1002 |
Individual Leadership Studies | MSL 2101 |
Leadership and Teamwork | MSL 2102 |
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Consortium
Since 2002, Florida Atlantic University students and faculty have benefited from the University's membership in Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). ORAU is a consortium of 91 colleges and universities and a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ORAU works with its member institutions to help their students and faculty gain access to federal research facilities throughout the country; to keep its members informed about opportunities for fellowship, scholarship and research appointments; and to organize research alliances among its members.
Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), the DOE facility that ORAU operates, undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates and faculty enjoy access to a multitude of opportunities for study and research. Students can participate in programs covering a wide variety of disciplines, including biomedical sciences, business, earth sciences, engineering, epidemiology, geological sciences, mathematics, nuclear chemistry, pharmacology, physics and ocean sciences. Appointment and program length range from one month to four years. Many programs are especially designed to increase the numbers of underrepresented minority students pursuing degrees in science- and engineering-related disciplines. A listing of these programs and other opportunities, their disciplines and details on locations and benefits can be found in the ORISE website.
ORAU's Office of Partnership Development seeks opportunities for partnerships and alliances among ORAU's members, private industry and major federal facilities. Activities include faculty development programs, such as the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, the Visiting Industrial Scientist Program and various services to Chief Research Officers. For information about ORAU and its programs, visit the ORAU website.
Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Professions Program
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Science offers a Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Professions certificate for students interested in pursuing medical, dental, veterinary or other health-related professions and who have not completed prerequisite courses as undergraduates. This certificate program is designed to assist students academically, build their research portfolios and help them obtain healthcare shadowing and volunteering experiences. The requirements for this certificate are listed under the Interdisciplinary Programs heading in this catalog's Charles E. Schmidt College of Science section or visit the Pre-Health Professions Office website.
Pre-Law Preparation
The best preparation for law school is a good undergraduate education. There is no single pre-law curriculum, but it is important to complete a course of study that develops reading, writing, speaking and analytical thinking skills. Students should select a major based upon their interests and their abilities. Elective courses should be taken to complement the major and to develop special skills. Law school graduates who have developed an identifiable second area of competence as undergraduates often enhance their professional opportunities. Students interested in public service will find courses in government and law especially useful.
A pre-law curriculum is the particular set of courses each prospective law student selects to earn a baccalaureate degree. By the judicious selection of courses, students learn skills and gain knowledge crucial to success in law school and in the practice of law.
Although many different majors can be a strong basis for application to and success in law school, the following courses may be particularly suited to these goals:
Basic Courses in American Government | ||
United States History to 1877 | AMH 2010 | 3 |
United States History since 1877 | AMH 2020 | 3 |
The Government of the U.S. | POS 2041 | 3 |
Issues in American Politics | POS 3033 | 3 |
Law-Related Courses | ||
Business Law 1 | BUL 4421 | 3 |
Business Law 2 | BUL 4422 | 3 |
The Criminal Justice System | CCJ 3024 | 3 |
Issues in Criminal Law | CCJ 4931 | 3 |
Mass Communication Law and Regulation |
MMC 4200 | 3 |
Constitutional Law: Government Powers and Limits | POS 4603 | 3 |
The Judicial Process | POS 4609 | 3 |
Courses to Develop Analytical and Communication Skills (verbal and written) | ||
Advanced Exposition | ENC 3310 | 3 |
Logic | PHI 2102 | 3 |
Public Speaking | SPC 2608 | 3 |
Argumentation and Debate | SPC 4513 | 3 |
Propaganda | SPC 4540 | 3 |
For more information on pre-law studies, click here.
Secondary Education Programs
Secondary Education degree programs are offered by the College of Education in partnership with the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters and the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science. These programs are approved by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). This state and NCATE approval represents the transferability of teaching credentials from state to state.
Secondary programs currently approved include the following subject areas and grade levels:
- Art (K-12)*
- English Education (6-12)
- Foreign Language Education (French K-12*, Spanish K-12*)
- Mathematics Education (6-12)
- Music Education (K-12)
- Science Education (Biology 6-12, Chemistry 6-12, Physics 6-12)
- Social Science Education (6-12)
* Certification program only
More information pertaining to the Secondary Programs is available in the College of Education section of this catalog under the Department of Curriculum and Instruction or on the Department of Curriculum and Instruction's website . Students may also refer to the College of Education's Office for Academic and Student Services website. For Music Education information, refer to the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Department of Music.